Social Meditation – An Innovative Approach

Social Meditations were created at OSHO Humaniversity and were Veeresh’s contribution to the world of meditation. At the Humaniversity we won’t ask you to sit still for long. We’ll bring you into the present moment in an enjoyable way – by being with others.


Veeresh created these extraordinary meditations with his lifetime of experience in working with people. For each Social Meditation he created a unique soundtrack, with inspiring music and his personal words, available from our webshop.

Once or twice  a month, guided by Yogi Levy, Humaniversity Student, AUM & Socail meditaion leader we will offer one of the following meditation, or another veriation inspired by this spirit
check out Termine page for dates


learn more at the OSHO Humaniversity website

Friendship Meditation
Friendship Meditation is make new friends in one hour! Dance, sing, hug and express what friendship means to you. According to Osho, friendship is the highest form of love. It has been said that before Osho left his body, he decided to change his name to My Beloved Friend. Later he realized that this was not practical. From the moment I met Osho, he was my teacher, my master, but most of all – my beloved friend. The Humaniversity exists today because of Osho. All our music is dedicated to him. This album is an effort to create paradise on earth and fulfill his dream. To everyone who made this album a reality, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Veeresh
Love Meditation
When you say yes to love, your life changes. Love Meditation uses gentle exercises, singing, dancing and hugging to take you on a journey that will melt your soul and open your heart.
Peace Meditation
War is hell on earth. And yet there are currently dozens of separate armed conflicts taking place around the world. Veeresh created this meditation to help people realize that the seeds of war and peace are within each of us. When we understand this and move towards love, we heal each other and the world. Join this beautiful process of awareness, connection, peace and celebration. The Peace Experience is an exercise of the body mind – Peace Meditation is a process to explore your own peacefulness. It promotes the idea that peace is truly in each and every one’s hands. This get-together of people provides a space for people to get the insights of the conflict/peace dynamics using actions such as singing, dancing, connecting, sharing, and having fun. Ideally, after an event people are more connected to themselves as well as to each other.
Dance Meditation
The Dance Meditation is a tribute to Osho. This one-hour experience guides you into the space of meditation through dance, silence, hugging and celebration. “Dancing meditation is about letting go into your body. Most people are stiff in their bodies; they are not using them. When you allow your body to dance and let go you start feeling a lot of pleasure, especially when you allow it to move in a free flow. You start to enjoy yourself and then meditation space starts to happen. Dancing is fantastic bodywork, and when you are leading a dance meditation inspire people to follow you. That’s what happens when you let go and are in tune with the music without planning anything. The more you let go, the more people will let go. If you lead a dance meditation it is very important that people get turned on. If there is no passion, no lust or no energy in it, then it becomes automatic. It has to be sexy and juicy, otherwise it’s difficult to go higher and to fly into ecstasy. Dance releases a lot of pleasure in your body. People often get ashamed about it and are judging themselves, and as a consequence they contract and control their body movements. When you are leading a meditation, give space for people to explore and be playful – because sometimespeople come to the meditation with a lot of expectations (enlightenment, wanting to have amazing experiences, inner fireworks, constant orgasm, etc). They can become very serious about it, and miss the point. Meditation is simple; it’s about just being – without any stories. People need breaks from the heaviness of their stories, so they can breathe out and say, “This is me.” The more you help people to be lighter and to start laughing about their stories, the more they come home to themselves. I would also like to talk about the music of the Osho Dance Meditation. If you always do the meditation with the same music, it is as if you are digging at the same spot and the meditation gets deeper and deeper. With practice you not only get deeper into it, but also when you simply hear the music, it triggers the same meditative space.” …Chandrika
Our Sacred Earth Meditation
Shake off the stress and worries that keep you from enjoying life. During this hour, you will relax your mind and body through stages of shaking (a gentle movement that loosens the muscles and releases tensions), dancing, stillness and hugging. It Started with Polar Bears… Many years ago in Italy I met a psychic. She told me that in a past life I was known as the father of the bears. Since that time I have developed a special love affair with bears and eventually ended up collecting over 30 stuffed toy bears. Two years ago I learned that because of global warming the ice is melting and as a result the polar bears can’t reach the seals anymore, which are their main food supply. As a consequence they are now cannibalizing each other. This was my original motivation to create this album ‘Our Sacred Earth’. Veeresh This beautiful Sacred Earth Meditation is a powerful message to realize the great responsibility we have to take care of our beautiful planet by taking care of ourselves. Through Sacred Earth Meditation each of us can create a little wave of transformation by looking inside and opening our hearts to ourselves, each other and our Sacred Earth.
Samasati Meditation
The art of witnessing This version of the Samasati Meditation has been created by Veeresh. He drew his inspiration from Osho’s vision of dying consciously and the Tibetan Book of the Dead, also know as the Bardo. Samasati means awareness or consciousness. Buddha called it rightmindfulness, Krishnamurti defined it as choiceless awareness, Gurdjieff spoke about it as self-remembering and Osho explained it as witnessing. Samasati is the last word Buddha said before dying, and Samasati isthe last meditation group Osho asked for. For me Samasati means, ‘You are from the very beginning a Buddha, you are a Buddha now and you will always be a Buddha-remember this! My mother’s death was my motivation to make this meditation. I now realize that it is also a preparation for my own death one day. The purpose of this meditation is to bring awareness to the denial and fear people have regarding death. The goal of this meditation is to practice the art of witnessing rather than reaching to situations and circumstances. Be aware and remember that since you are alive, you must not take your life for granted. Choose the position: ‘I will always value my life.’ Appreciating my life means waking up every morning and looking into the mirror, and saying to myself, ‘I am so happy to be alive!’ Thank you Osho, for helping me to create this meditation.” I designed this meditation so that it can be done in a group or by yourself. The first six stages are an opportunity to practice dying consciously, a rehearsal for the end of your life. The remaining four stages are a reminder to live totally and cherish each moment. – Veeresh
Tan Ju Meditation
The Tan-Ju Meditation is a fun, light and quick way for teenagers to experience meditating and connecting. Its message is summed up in our beautiful Tan-Ju song: We can be whatever we want to be. We will find our place in this world. Thanks, for giving us the space to do our thing. Thanks, for teaching us to love ourselves and you. Thanks, for making Osho’s loving dream come true. Our Tan-Ju Meditation Teenager Camps have been running for over 30 years and brought together young people from all over the world to create friendship and a vision for the world they want to live in. Twenty years ago Veeresh asked me to teach the teenagers about meditation. Tan-Ju is a place where teenagers learn to love and to let go of tension. It is amazing to experience how each one of them is special in his or her way of growing and becoming a dear friend to me. Chandrika – Executive Director, Humaniversity